The Past and Future of Blockchain

In most work scenarios, everyone who works has to relate to someone else's work in one way or another. In the days when computers were not available or widespread, this type of contact might be reflected in the various signatures at the end of a document. But in the modern era, where computers are commonplace, this type of contact mine boxis expressed in the vast amount of shared documents.

Suppose there is a company with a thousand employees, how would the HR department of this company manage its employees? Generally speaking, the HR department will be divided into employee relations specialists, compensation specialists and training specialists. Depending on the turnover of the company's employees, the HR department will update the internal information in a fixed period, such as daily, weekly or monthly [1].

During this cycle, the employee relations specialist will take care of the list of new recruits and departures, update the employee information form, and send the maintained report (Report 1.0) to the compensation specialist. After receiving the report, the payroll specialist keeps a copy of the original version of Report 1.0 for verification, and then upgrades the insurance and salary status on the basis of Report 1.0, creates Form 2.0, and antminer s19 pro alibabasends Report 2.0 back to the employee relations specialist.

After verifying the correctness of the information in Report 2 except for the payroll module, the employee relations specialist saves the audited report as Report 2.1 and sends it to the training specialist. After receiving Report 2.1, the training specialist will update the information of trained employees in the table and update the training program for the next cycle in the table according to the number and part of new recruits to generate Report 3.0 with training information, and then send it to the employee relationsgtx 1080 ethereum hashrate specialist. After receiving the report 3.0, the employee relations specialist carries out proofreading and finally uploads it to the relevant department or other departments.
