
When we finish the construction of the website, the next important work is to promote the website, so that more people know our website. The core work of website promotion is website optimization, which is what we often call SEO. only through website promotion can we get traffic and bring revenue to our website.what does kol mean So, how to operate when website optimization?

First of all, keywords are one of the core management work elements of website SEO. If this step is not done well, it may require data modification of the information on the company's website, and even directly lead to the company's website can not pass normal operation. Therefore, when choosing a keyword must be related to our industry, field or product as well as relevant, rather than their own choice to use some issues unrelated keywords. When building a website, you can provide reference to the keywords made by your peers and analyze the correct layout. In addition, once the student has chosen the keywords, it is not recommended to change them arbitrarily, as this may affect lead to a decrease in the weight of the site. Therefore, the positioning and layout of keywords is very important key.

Secondly, the structure and layout of the website plays a decisive role in the visibility of the engine optimization what is A website that makes it easy and user-friendly to navigate is also an important part of success and will gain the trust of search engines. Therefore, it is important to eliminate poor site structure and retain a logical layout in the early stages of site construction. This is a common approach to site SEO.

Thirdly, quality website content can be remembered by users and bring in a lot of natural traffic. It can be said that websites get traffic through quality content, and long-tail keywords are also an important way to improve website ranking. A good article will be reproduced, which will bring more potential customers, and the search engine will also like the article. The so-called good articles to meet the needs of users, to solve the doubts in the minds of users, to obtain user recognition.

Fourth, setting some tags can improve the appearance and inclusion of the site. Search engines easily accept such tags.

Fifth, the site map can facilitate search engine spiders to crawl the pages of the site, so as to clearly understand the structure of the site and improve the site's inclusion. Because many websites have deep links, it is difficult for spiders to crawl these pages, so search engines like site maps very much.

Finally, for students some new station, increase the external chain is to improve the business website for weight the most effective development is also the fastest method. However, when adding external links must strictly follow the principle of preferring lack over abundance, otherwise we will only drag their own website.
