Today, customers are increasingly concerned about the natural ingredients of ingredients. Many businesses are focusing on the application of natural food coloring agents to achieve richer hues in their dishes to ensure the safety and healthbinmei of their ingredients. So, what do we mean by natural coloring?
Simply put, natural colors are colored elements extracted from animals, plants and microorganisms. Among the common natural colors, plant extracts are predominant.
Around the world, the practice of coloring food dates back more than 2,000 years. The hues of natural ingredients are used to make delicious food that is both beautiful and attractive and carries a good meaning, carrying the folklore of different regions.
Until the 19th century, most dyes were from plants. Since 1856, when PerkinWH invented the first organic pigment, aniline violet, synthetic pigments have been used in a variety of fields because of their strong coloring ability, brilliance, smooth fading and low price compared to natural pigments, and because people did not realize their harmful effects for a long time, prompting natural pigments to slowly fade outspirulina concentrate of the historical stage. With the rise and development of the health industry, people's awareness of health and environmental protection and ecological protection has increased, and natural coloring is once again suffering from the public's attention and recognition.
Why is the food industry turning its attention to natural colors?
Natural pigments come from nature, they are universal, abundant, renewable, have excellent solubility, easy to degrade, and some natural pigments also have certain nutritional effects. The raw materials of natural plant pigments are mostly from food or raw materials that are often consumed by people, with high safety and low side effects; contain essential nutrients or have rich medicinal value; natural colors, easy to spirulina powder bluebe accepted by customers, etc.
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Nowadays, the color and appearance of the ingredients will definitely become more and more important, we are not only satisfied with the enjoyment of food, but also in the visual experience, the need for natural food coloring will be more and more, the development and application of natural food additives will also become more and more mature.
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