
Each web page has a weight value in the search engine, and the total weight of the website needs to be reasonably allocated to each internal page. This can not only increase the number of websites, but also reasonably distribute the weight is the basis for the long-tail keyword ranking of the seo course singapore So how to effectively allocate the internal weight of the website? Let’s first briefly talk about how weight is transferred and how the website layout is conducive to the transfer of weight.

1. The weight of the URL is assigned to different types:

The order of decreasing weight distribution is top-level domain name, second-level domain name,google seo optimization guide directory page, static page, and dynamic page. Regarding the weight type allocation of URLs, we can optimize some pages in a targeted manner; for example, generally we will jump the top-level domain name to the second-level domain name with WWW, then the second-level domain name with WWW is the page with the highest weight of the website ( That is, the home page), then we put the target keywords on the home page, and some secondary keywords can be placed on the catalog page for optimization. Finally, we put a large number of long-tail keywords on the static pages, so that the website can be reasonably allocated Weight, effectively optimize keyword rankings.

2. Weight distribution of special recommendation pages:

Special recommendation pages are a more important part of page optimization, allowing special recommendation pages to gain more weight. For example, the structure "Home Page - List Page - Content Page" is to go to the list page by clicking on the home page, and then go to the content page.seo agency singapore There is a comparison with "Home Page - Content Page" from the home page to directly enter the content. You must go directly from the home page to the content page to get updates. The more weight and better the ranking, the more important pages will have better ranking results.

3. The application of weight tags reasonably distributes the weight of web pages:

Weight tags include title tags, font tags, bold tags, italics tags, underline tags, etc. The management of these data tags will have an important impact on the distribution of the weight of a web page, so it should be done when building internal control of the corporate website system. Considerate places and reasonable layout can make the weight assigned to website information pages more scientific and reasonable, and maximize the effective use of website weight.

4. User sight distribution golden triangle weight distribution:

When users enter the website, their eyes will first be on the upper left corner. That is to say, the first thing users pay attention to when clicking in is the upper left corner. Search engines simulate users' browsing habits to crawl. Then the upper left corner of the webpage is assigned the highest weight, and the most important content and links can be placed around the golden triangle with the best weight. Therefore, the content is also captured from the upper left corner, and then an "E" or "F" is formed. type of access triangle.

5. Reasonable layout of the number of internal links:

The more pages that get internal links, the higher the weight assigned to this page and the higher its status in the website (the reason why the homepage has the highest weight is because almost all website pages have links to the homepage, that is, the homepage gets (the most internal links), so we should add more internal links and have a reasonable layout so that the weight of the website can be reasonably distributed and used.

6. Reasonable distribution of weights for website navigation:

Site navigation includes primary navigation, secondary navigation and breadcrumb navigation, which play an important role in site weight. This is especially true for breadcrumb sites, which not only tell users where they are on the page, but also lower the level of link points on the site. In terms of weight distribution, breadcrumbs accumulate the weight of corresponding link points into a page.

7. Weight distribution of effective user clicks:

Search engines value user experience, so the more pages users click, the greater the weight assigned. If a page gets a lot of clicks and traffic, the search engine will give the page a corresponding weight, and then display more suggestions for the page to users, then the page will get more weight.

8. Allocate weights to the head and tail information of the website:

Now the head and tail information of each page of the website are basically the same, so some optimization can be done to this information. For example, the main navigation is at the head and the secondary navigation is at the tail. All pages will be assigned weights to navigation links. to the pages so that these important pages get more weight.
