sponge structure

We all come into contact with a lot of filler lining in life, I believe we are no stranger to sponge.cellulose sponge factory However, the use of sponges and high-density foam has been applied to people's lives, and the performance factors of sponges are not yet clear in which industries they are mainly applied. In order to solve this problem, Bian Xiao will explain to you "What are the factors affecting the performance of sponge? " "

Factors affecting the performance of sponge.

1, sponge structure

The same kind of sponge with open and closed pore performance is not the same. Analysis of experimental research results show that with the open pore rate increases its compression working strength can be significantly reduced. Compression strength is a measure of a sponge city's main use of one of the performance index system, to produce high compression sponge, should improve the rate of closed cell, and vice versa should be through the improvement of the open cell rate. In addition, the size of the bubble hole we will also have an impact on its water absorption rate, that is, the bubble hole diameter is getting bigger and bigger, the water absorption rate is soon bigger and bigger.

2, foaming times

The performance of the sponge also depends on the resin properties, the amount of foaming agent, sponge density and other factors, these factors are directly related to the molding conditions. With the increase in foaming rate, sponge tensile strength, bending strength and heat distortion temperature decreases, while the molding shrinkage increases.

3, processing factors

The performance of the sponge is affected by processing factors, mainly including equipment and process control and the operating experience of the processing staff. Sponge processing, especially in the foam expansion process, the resulting bubbles due to the influence of the control factors, from the round deformation to oval or elongated. In this way, the bubble wall is elongated along the direction of expansion, resulting in anisotropy of the sponge. The result is an increase in mechanical properties along the stretching direction (increase in longitudinal strength) and a decrease in strength perpendicular to the orientation direction. Experiments on polyurethane sponges have shown that the greater the degree of stretching of the vesicles, the greater the corresponding compressive stress ratio and modulus ratio, and therefore the greater the anisotropy of the sponge. As a sponge, try to avoid anisotropy.

4, Bubble hole size

Cell size is one of the important factors affecting the compressive strength of the sponge. Sponge plastic samples of two different pore sizes with a spectroscope for compression experiments, the results show that when the sponge samples with large pore sizes (0.5 ~ 1.5 mm) are subjected to 10% compression, the outer pore ribs begin to bend, when compressed to 25%, the outer pore collapses, the inner pore begins to bend, and the sponge center of the cell begins to deform. For the 0.025 ~ 0.075 mm small-cell sponge plastic samples, the cells were compressed uniformly during the compression process, i.e., the cells inside and outside the sponge body absorbed the compression energy uniformly, and it is generally believed that the compressibility of small-cell sponges is better than that of large-cell sponges.

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