The difference between PDF and Word documents
Oct 12,2023 Grace

The difference between PDF and Word documents

PDF and Word are two large file formats used for editing and viewing written documents, but they differ in the way they are generated and the tools th...

Where is the deleted computer junk?
Oct 10,2023 Magical

Where is the deleted computer junk?

During the use of computer, there will be a large number of junk files, such as system garbage, temporary files, cached data and so on. These files ca...

Excel basics tutorial for beginners: easy to learn basic operations and skills
Oct 04,2023 Constance

Excel basics tutorial for beginners: easy to learn basic operations and skills

Even if the reader has not been exposed to Excel, a graphical introduction to the basics of Excel, its functions and operations can be easily learned ...

How discreet is a VPS?
Oct 03,2023 Connie

How discreet is a VPS?

How discreet is a VPS?A VPS genuinely is a private server because it partitions your files from those of other users at the OS level. This indicates t...

Which is faster, Hong Kong VPS or Japan VPS?
Sep 29,2023 SHERRY

Which is faster, Hong Kong VPS or Japan VPS?

What is the difference in speed between Hong Kong VPS and Japan VPS? Hong Kong VPS and Japan VPS are two common virtual private server options that ha...

What advanced effects were introduced in PDF 1.4 beyond just transparency?
Sep 27,2023 Bubles

What advanced effects were introduced in PDF 1.4 beyond just transparency?

In PDF 1.4, Adobe has introduced other more advanced effects called blend modes. Blend mode is a mathematical function (formula) that combines differe...

Word documents forget password? Teach you to quickly remove Word document password
Sep 26,2023 Jessie

Word documents forget password? Teach you to quickly remove Word document password

If you are unable to recover the password for a word document, you may need to recreate the document or restore it from a backup.convert word to pdf w...

How to defend against DDOS attacks? You can start from three aspects: hardware, individual hosts, and the whole server system
Sep 22,2023 Cassandra

How to defend against DDOS attacks? You can start from three aspects: hardware, individual hosts, and the whole server system

Hardware1. Increase bandwidthBandwidth directly determines the ability to defend against attacks, increase the bandwidth of the hard protection is the...
